
Eclipse under Linux Mint Helena (8)

After upgrading portions of Eclipse's UI were... broken (I don't install through apt, but usually grab a standalone copy and stash it under /opt/).

To fix, add: export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true to eclipse.ini



Came across/setup, installed, Gource today; the supplied binaries were 32-bit only; building from source is much less painful than I remember: apt :)

Anyway, seems like a nice tool; I prefer the 'structural' view it provides over Code Swarm's more organic feel. The code is the main feature with developers just hovering around it.

Now to try it on the whole SVN repo...


Linux: Font + Fixing Eclipse (IBM VM)

Font Enhancement: http://keramida.wordpress.com/2009/11/07/dejavu-condensed-as-default/ (Condensed is much better)... for general use.

I've also switched my fixed-width font to Droid Sans Mono:
//modified zero version in comments of link
//I tried Inconsolata, but didn't really like it
Update: I'm using Deja Sans Mono Book - Slightly Cleaner

Also, I suggest using a Murrine based theme (seems much faster):

Eclipse under Sun's 64Bit JVM sucks... badly enough that I have been considering switching back to Windows --

I've just installed IBM's 64Bit VM:

Noticeable initial lags (maybe a slower form of hotspot; I don't care this isn't for production, but after an initial hit it seems noticeably speedy) -- hopefully this will fix all the GUI glitches (e.g trashing my perspective layout, crashing hard on open type hierarchy or Findbugs, random lags, etc... missing buttons (expand/contract... was awful).

Interestingly; there are noticeable GC differences - when running say Findbugs the memory usage increases rapidly and GC's... this seems quite different from the usual much more gradual increase under Sun's VM -- oh, and it is *much* faster.

IBM's VM and the Condensed Font change have made Eclipse awesome again... We'll see after a couple days...


Perl Script/Strip Lines (Thanks Anthony)!

Since perl never remains in my brain --

perl -ne '($d) = m|date="(\d+)"|; print if (!$d || $d >= 1230768000000)' ICO2009.xml |head

Strips lines from a Code Swarm processed xml file that are prior to a certain date.


Eclipse + Android Source

Install Repo, Fetch Eclair...


And... the Python script+Instructions found here:


Work perfectly :)

Now for my ShakeSensor...


SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="22b8", MODE="0666";

What's that? The VendorId corresponds to Motorola... I have a new Droid. Android SDK is up and running and debuggable through Eclipse.

Now to start writing some code for it!




SlingShot T3

Thus begins a new obsession; should arrive shortly!


Making Subversion Behave

I'm not sure why but, for some reason I've been having issues with Subversion; the error message is meaningless... since the working copy is completely up to date, cleanup, update, replace with, etc... none of that helps:

svn: File or directory 'somefile' is out of date; try updating

The solution is to trash the all-wcprops cache within the parent's .svn folder... but you often need to do this multiple times, the solution:

find . -name all-wcprops -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm

It would be much better to just switch to Git :)


Exceptional Song

public class ExceptionalSong{
private static Pattern toMusicString(String input){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("I[").append(input.length()).append(']');
for(char c : input.toCharArray()){
char cx = Character.toUpperCase(c);
int cxx = 'A' + ((cx % 7));
sb.append((char) cxx).append(' ');
return new Pattern(sb.toString());

public static final String throwableStackTraceString(Throwable t,boolean indent){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder('\n');
sb.append("StackTrace {\n");
String tabsString = indent ? "\t" : "";

for(StackTraceElement ste : t.getStackTrace()){
tabsString += '\t';//Indent
return sb.toString();

public static void main(String[] args){
Player player = new Player();
RuntimeException rte = new RuntimeException("I'm a Runtime Exception!");

Pattern song = new Pattern();
song.add(toMusicString(throwableStackTraceString(rte, false)));

